How to Request a Refund, Return, or Exchange
To request a refund, return, or exchange for an order placed with, please contact us via:
Phone: +1 415 800 4912
Please have your order number available and provide a reason for your request to expedite the refund process. Your request will be reviewed within 2 days, and we will notify you via email of the results.
Special Conditions for Returns
Some products have special conditions for returns as described in the order or product materials delivered ("Product Terms"). Please read these carefully before making a request. In case of discrepancies between’s Refund Policy and the Product Terms, this Refund Policy will prevail. Shipping costs are non-refundable, except if due to’s error.
Refund Processing
If the refund request is granted by, payments will be refunded as follows:
If applicable, reserves the right to hold the refund payment until we receive a completed letter of destruction of the product signed by you.
Terms and Conditions
This Refund Policy is part of the Terms and Conditions. For any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team at
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